Reading Your Meter

How to Read Your Water Meter 

Your water meter measures in gallons.  The live number wheels turn every 10 gallons.  The reading for the picture above is 24257.  To calculate the usage for any time period, subtract the previous reading from the current reading and multiply by 10.  

How to Read Your Electric Meter

Your electric meter measures your electric use in kilowatt-hours.  A kilowatt-hour is equal to using 1,000 watts of power for one hour. To calculate the total number of kilowatt-hours used for any time period, subtract the previous reading from the current reading.  The numbers can simply be read from left to right.

Why We May Estimate

We make every effort to read all water and electric meters each month.  Occasionally this is not possible, and we may estimate a reading based on a customer’s past energy use.  The difference between an estimated reading and actual use is reconciled at the next actual reading.  Estimates are most often caused by severe weather that makes meter reading dangerous and/ or impossible.  Inaccessible meters can also result in estimated readings.  You can help avoid an estimated reading by making sure we can reach your meter.  Clear your meters of ice and snow during the winter, and don’t plant shrubs and plants within three feet of a meter.  Remember, if you can’t get to your meter, neither can we.